geographic tongue cause cure diet treatment

As geographic tongue can occur due to a vitamin B deficiency, you need to eat more vitamin B-rich foods. This vitamin can even prevent recurrence of patches on your tongue. Follow proper oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly. Avoid toothpastes with tartar-control additives, heavy flavoring, or whitening agents. Home Remedies for Geographic Tongue Treatment 1. Dietary Choices. Avoiding or limiting food irritants that could aggravate the sensitivity 2. Vegetable Glycerin. One of the contributing factors of geographic tongue is dehydration. 3. Aloe Vera. Here comes the “know-all-see all-cure-all” plant Geographic tongue does not have a treatment or cure. Most lesions and symptoms will disappear in a few days or weeks. Still, some treatments may help reduce symptoms: The cause of geographic tongue is not known, and so there is no way to prevent it.

There may be a link between geographic tongue and lichen planus or psoriasis, but more research is to be done on this. Specific foods such as cheese may trigger it. Hormonal changes may also be a cause. Share on Pinterest Anesthetic and antihistamine mouthwash may be recommended as treatments for geographic tongue. Left untreated, most cases of geographic tongue clear up on their own with no Vegetable Glycerin: This is quite an effective Home Remedy for Geographic Tongue. It is quite useful in keeping the tongue moist which hastens the healing process. It also prevents bad breath caused due to Geographic Tongue. You need to soak a cotton ball in vegetable glycerin and apply it on the tongue. You may reduce discomfort associated with geographic tongue by avoiding or limiting substances that commonly aggravate sensitive oral tissues, such as spicy or acidic foods or beverages, as well as alcohol and tobacco. Preparing for your appointment.

If you’re concerned about the appearance of your tongue, make an appointment with your dentist. Dietary Choices The first tip in the list of home remedies for geographic tongue is performing some alternation in your diet. You need to limit and avoid some irritants from foods as they might aggravate those sensitive tissues from the tongue. Irritants from food often make the condition worsen, thus increase difficulties for the treatment. Geographic tongue does not require any treatment because it is benign, resolves on its own, and usually doesn’t cause pain. If someone with the condition notices sensitivity to certain foods, drinks, or substances (such as tobacco or toothpaste) they may want to take note of what irritates the lesions and avoid them during times when the condition is present or flaring up.

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