drama literary genre characteristics list

Drama is the genre of literature that’s subject for compositions is dramatic art in the way it is represented. This genre is stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action. A character has its distinctive appearance, beliefs, thoughts, flaws, personality, age, and dialogues. Actors in the play have the responsibility of bringing the characters to life. The various characters in any drama are the protagonist (represents the theme), the antagonist (the villain of the drama), anti-hero (the object of sympathy), etc. Let us consider a few popular types of drama: Comedy – Comedies are lighter in tone than ordinary works, and provide a happy conclusion. Tragedy – Tragic dramas use darker themes, such as disaster, pain, and death.

Farce – Generally, a farce is a nonsensical genre of drama, which often overacts Drama is the most broad of cinema’s genres and includes under its umbrella such subgenres as romantic drama, period drama, courtroom drama, and adventure drama among others. At the center of a drama is usually a character or characters who are in conflict at a crucial moment in their lives. Urban fiction, also known as street lit, is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape; however, the genre is as much defined by the race and culture of its characters as the urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside. The four main literary genres are poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama, with each varying in style, structure, subject matter, and the use of figurative language. The genre raises certain Characteristics of Drama Genres. Drama is intended to reflect human behavior and action in the midst of crisis and everyday life.

Several genres exist within drama, each with their own storytelling methods, character types and dramatic approach. There are four main genres of drama: the tragedy, comedy, melodrama and tragicomedy. Drama Genre Definition – Examples. Review this list of popular examples to help you get a better understanding of the drama fiction genre. 1. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. 2. A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. 3. A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. 4. Antigone by Sophocles. 5. As You Like It by William Shakespeare. 6. “Written genres” (more commonly known as “literary genres”) are those works of prose, poetry, drama, hybrid forms, or other literature that are distinguished by shared literary conventions, similarities in topic, theme, style, tropes, or common settings, character types, or formulaic patterns of character interactions and events, and an overall predictable form.

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